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Patience, Practice and Passion

Sometimes in life all you can do is just to watch and observe. I call it my observation period... There are somethings in the world which do not actually require some kind of attention or action... all it needs is simply observation. What we observe is the most important aspect.

Few days back I got angry and provoked but instead of blabbering my anger over the other person, I was able to withstand it and check out the facts before I react. The wise saying goes "Dont cry over the spilit milk", and I personally agree with this one. When it comes to actions, we tend to act quickly instead of acting smartly. I am not with the notion to act slow but we should at-least check out the future consequences for that. Not only future but the far future. I am aware that this sounds cheesy but that's the way it is. If you have to get long term benefits, you have to sacrifice the smaller pleasures in life. I believe that its the thoughts, actions and deeds what makes us stand apart from any other person. No person can exactly do like you. I heard a better thought which states "There wont be better you than you" Its completely true and my views on it can be justified in one word, "Patience" in this world, there are hundreds of people who lose temper on simple things and regret later... But the thing is that its not always the patience but also acting wise when angry. The energy of being angry must be diverted to the energy of implementation so that the energy is utilised in the constructive way rather than destructive.

The patience has a lot of power and it is rarely understood by the world around us. What makes you stand apart than those around you? Interesting question isnt it? If we are unique, people tend to go with the unique people rather than those who are drudged in the life cursing people and living the same life for years. Albert Einstein said it so well, "Only a fool can expect a different result doing the same thing" but there is also another thing which is attached to it and which I would like to say that the result is not different but it is actually better what we do over and over. Its the practice which makes us perfect. I know you will think I am contradicting to the above post but I am stressing on the practice and by that I mean to say put your practice in positive way and see the glorious results!
Dream big, Live Big! Till then, I am signing off... Love you all... :)


Tejal Wani said…
this blog reminds me someone:-)
Prachi said…
it's nicely done... thoughtful and profound... well done! :D

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